Thursday, May 14, 2009


Yeay! I have now created a wiki using "wetpaint", at part of the State Library's Licence 2 Test Drive. The url is:

The wiki is called Teddy Bear Corner, a subject very dear to my heart, and I have included a photo of one of my creations. He looks very dapper wearing his outfit of linen vest, tweed jacket and silk bow tie. He is 22" high, and he also has a growler installed.

What was this experience like for me? The initial setup took longer than I had allowed, which meant I had to go back in at another time to add to the initial data. I did not find this easy to do, and my wiki does look somewhat disjointed. As a wiki could have relevance to another part of my life I am sure that I will find this experience easier with practice. I noticed a typo in the original post which I tried to fix but couldn't work out how to do it.

I have checked out several of the wikis listed as a requirement of this program, and some I have found are very attractive in layout, colour and design while others I have found to be uninteresting or "messy". One I found particularly pleasing was the Book Lovers Wiki at Princeton Public Library as it has an excellent layout, is clean and uncluttered. I have also added a reply to an entry on the SLQ website but in my haste (time is always of the essence) I made it anonymous.

Wikis are a great way to provide others with up-to-date information, however many sites I have visited (not those on the list as part of this program, I might add) have obviously been commenced with great enthusiasm but the creators have either lost interest in keeping them updated or they are finding themselves time-poor and content is no longer current.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Friend flickr

Well, here I am set to blog about my experience with flickr as part of slq's Licence 2 Test Drive.

I have added a variety of photos taken during my time living in Central Australia, from the library at Tennant Creek, to the Todd River in flood, to the township of Coober Pedy. I also loaded a series of photos taken of a dust storm at Mutitjulu.

I found it quite easy to download my photos, and I intend to add more as time permits. I hope people enjoy viewing them.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Hooray, I have just created my first blog! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever do this, but now I've started who knows where it may lead.

I was a little trepidatious at first, and somewhat unsure of the process along the way with so many "bits" to name, even this page asks me to add a title, but I'm sure I will feel more comfortable as I travel along the blogging pathway.